Anyone traveling internationally to and from the UK must have a passport, regardless if the reason for travel is for business or pleasure. This includes adults and children alike, even if they accompany an adult with a passport. Child passports are used for children that are age 16 years and younger. Unlike adult passports, child passports are only valid for five years at a time. When applying for a passport for a child, leave about 3 weeks to have the proper documentation processed, and for the passport to be sent. Applications for a child passport can be obtained either online, or by visiting the post office in person. A slight discount is available for processing documentation online. Obtaining a child passport is very similar to obtaining a passport for an adult and the proper identification must be provided. This includes a digital photo ID for online passports (or mailed photograph), correct certification documents, as well as parental approval and parental documentation for anyone who has legal guardianship of the child. For questions or assistance in obtaining a child passport, the team at Immigration Services Provider, basked out of Manchester, can help. We understand the ins and outs of immigration and necessary documentation and can streamline the process for obtaining a passport.